Thursday, August 5, 2010

Booking Through Thursday #2

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme. Questions and links to other participants can be found here.

What is the first book you remember reading? What about the first that really made you love to read?

Tough question - ever since I could read (which I taught myself), I was constantly reading something. However, I do remember certain books that surely cemented my love for reading. I believe the earliest example is Enid Blyton's Five on Kirrin Island Again, which is the sixth book in a fantastic children's series. I remember being totally engrossed and excited about the plot.

Other two books that I remember loving were Dickens' David Copperfield and Emil and the Detectives, a mystery book by the German author Erich Kastner. The reason I loved David Copperfield was probably because I felt like I understood the gist of the story, though I was too young to appreciate its many layers. Dickens continues to be an author I respect, especially his novel The Great Expectations. On the other hand, I found Emil completely fascinating because of the well-written personalities of the boys in question and in my head, this created an image of what sort of friends I myself would like to have.


gautami tripathy said...

Dickens was a master storyteller. His charcters are memorable.

I can’t recall my first book but I do recall that, I was hooked on Enid Blyton. She, in a way, has influenced my interest in Crime fiction.

Then I used to devour the Nancy Drew books along with Hardy Boys. However, but those came much later.

Here is my BTT: First Time post!

Jess said...

Lots of Enid Blyton books mentioned from this question, nice answer! :)