
Hello and welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy what you find here and go away with some great reading ideas!

My name is Nikola, and I am an avid reader and student. I once read that blogs undoubtedly have to mirror the person writing them, and I can't help but agree, particularly when it comes to the kinds of books I blog about. I am an eclectic reader, so my blog features everything from literary fiction (Kazuo Ishiguro, Don DeLillo and Virginia Woolf, to name a few), to thrillers, romances and whatever else I feel like reading at the moment. I grade the books on a one to five scale, and the grades are given in comparison to other titles in a particular genre. I love accepting request reviews from authors and publishers, and I always keep my reviews honest.

I enjoy promoting authors, publishers and other bloggers (naturally!), so feel free to shoot me an email with review, interview or giveaway requests or any ideas or feedback you might have. I am also fairly active on GoodReads, so make sure you friend me there as well. Finally, make sure you follow the blog and leave me a comment - there is nothing that makes me as instantly happy as feedback on my blog!

Please note that I am a part of the Amazon Affiliate program, which means that any Amazon purchase through my website gets me a small percentage. I appreciate your support greatly!

Thanks for reading!